"When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel." - Eloise Ristad

Creating interpretive and impressionistic images of our shared American landscapes drives Ted Rigoni’s work and fuels his creative journey. His images explore the crenelated trunks of tightly packed Aspen, rarefied golden dust and slanted moonlight found with the dunes of the Mojave Desert, the slowly rising steam and heat emanating from geologic-driven processes, fog-shrouded mysteries hidden deep within moody rain forests, and the abandoned and neglected ruins of our forgotten works, recognizing that nature and our own imaginations tell stories of what once was and may still be.

Rigoni’s metaphorical journey within our changing environment has matured through extensive photographic travels. Influences here have clarified his aesthetic for images that venture beyond sheer documentation of man, nature, and things, to images that consciously originate in his mind as representing the emotive songs of an Americana landscape narrative.

Website: https://www.tedrigoniarts.com/
Instagram: @tedrigoni_photography