"In teaching us a new visual code, photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and what we have a right to observe." Susan Sontag

Marcos Ramos, is a photographer born and residing in the city of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). He picked up his first camera, a "Nikomat," in his teenage years and immediately fell in love with the entire process, especially with how the camera connected him to others. Currently, he is photographing with a state-of-the-art digital camera, but he has also done a lot of shooting with film cameras. His final images always come straight from the camera, as he feels the need to convey something of himself in his images, making them, in fact, “self-portraits.” Given his background in communication, he tends to favor images with a journalistic perspective, always trying to achieve this with the camera using techniques such as movement and long exposures. Despite a long professional career of 25 years as a photojournalist for the newspaper O Globo, it was only at the end of 2019 that he began to pursue images that venture into documenting the very real and rapid changes happening around us that threaten the well-being of both humans and nature. Marcos won numerous international awards, including the Talenthouse Award 2021 by Reckitt with the image titled "Fiel Jardineiro," the AJURIS Human Rights Award for the photo essay "Morada," 2021 (Brazil), and the "Olhares da Filantropia" Award by FONIF in the education category in 2023 (Brazil). His work was also featured in books and at various exhibitions, including two solo exhibitions in 2013 and 2019.

Website: arteinformado.com/guia/f/marcos-esteves-211628
Instagram: @marcosramos_foto
Facebook: facebook.com/marcos.ramos.50767