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New Report Reveals Crucial Links Between Soil Quality and Human Health, Calls For Global Action

by Save Soil Global Commons Aug 29th 20244 mins
New Report Reveals Crucial Links Between Soil Quality and Human Health, Calls For Global Action

A comprehensive new analysis by the Save Soil movement reveals the profound connections between soil health and human physical and mental wellbeing, underscoring the urgent need for global attention to soil degradation.

The new report highlights the direct and indirect pathways through which soil health influences various aspects of human life, including nutrition, mental health and overall quality of life.

Save Soil (an advocacy and awareness campaign from Conscious Planet) is backed by the UNEP, UNCCD, UNFAO, WFP and IUCN, and is calling for dedicated soil policies in the UK and across the globe to secure soil health.

Ahead of COP29, the movement is also calling for soil regeneration to be recognized as a public health priority. “We greatly support the progress made by the Environment Land Management Scheme and Sustainable Farming Incentive, and hope that the new Labour government takes this further by creating a dedicated soil health policy that incentivises farmers to increase their soil organic matter,” said Praveena Sridhar, Chief Technical Officer of Save Soil, lead author on the analysis. “This will ensure citizens have a greater chance of reaping these various health benefits.”

Key Findings

More on the topic: Why 2024 Is a Pivotal Year for Our Soil

Call to Action

The report calls for immediate and coordinated action from governments, farmers, and communities worldwide to implement sustainable soil management practices. These include increasing soil organic matter to a minimum 3-6% based on regional conditions, reducing chemical inputs, and promoting regenerative agriculture to ensure that soils remain fertile and supportive of human health.

A new map from the Save Soil movement illustrates the shocking percentage of global soil degradation predicted by 2050.
A new map from the Save Soil movement illustrates the shocking percentage of global soil degradation predicted by 2050. Image: Save Soil.

Speaking to Save Soil, Dr Simon Jeffrey, a leading soil scientists at the Harper Adams University, added: “Healthy soils are literally vital to our health and survival. We get the vast majority of our calories and nutrients from the soil. Healthy soils produce better, more resilient crops.”

“The continued conversation linking healthy nutrient dense food to the health of the human and looking at food as health care rather than calories is critical to this topic. Healthy food can only be produced in a living soil, which in turn leads to a health environment and ultimately the link between soil, food, human can be regarded as the real Natural Health Service,” added Ben Taylor-Davies, a regenerative farmer known as “Regen Ben” based at Townsend Farm in Ross On Wye, England.

About the Author

Save Soil

Save Soil is a global movement to address the soil crisis by uniting people across the globe to stand up for soil health, and support leaders of all nations in actioning policies toward increasing organic matter in agricultural soil.

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